All badges
This page shows all the badges that are currently available. Each image links to a page that details the Earning Criteria for that badge, and includes a link for claiming that badge. If you think there’s a need for a new badge, you’re a good candidate for the [Proposed an e-NABLE Badge]( badge! Learn more about our Badges System on the **[Information](** page.

Chapter (3 badges)
Chapter Badges are redeemed by formal e-NABLE chapter teams and members who serve their local communities, connect with other regional and international chapters, and share their activities with the world.
Education (6 badges)
Education Badges involve e-NABLE collaborations with formal educational institutions and are redeemed by students, teachers, and staff of schools, universities, and educational organizations.
Legacy (27 badges)
Legacy Badges are time-limited badges that are no longer issued. They often relate to events and historical achievements that continue to be displayed by community members.