e-NABLE Explorer - African Chapters

A Legacy badge

Created on 2018-02-15

This badge is part of the 6 piece "e-NABLE Explorer" educational game, inviting kids of all ages to visit some of the websites and facebook pages of our hundreds of e-NABLE Chapters to learn their activities, experiences, and geography.   Collect all 6 "Region" badges and you earn the "e-NABLE Explorer" Badge!

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Earning criteria:

To obtain your e-NABLE AFRICA badge, you must answer ALL of these questions! Which Chapter in the Asia Region did you explore? (List their name + link to their facebook page or website.) - What is the climate and landscape like there? - How many Miles/KM away from you is this chapter? - If it is noon at your house, what time is it at this e-NABLE Chapter? - Share an interesting fact about this chapter - Share your favorite story that you read about from this chapter.

Claimed by:

Everton Lins
.. and 1 other(s)