e-NABLE Volunteer

A Legacy badge

Created on 2018-02-15

This badge is awarded to anyone that has chosen to join the global e-NABLE Community as a volunteer to help create free and low cost 3D printed upper limb assistive devices for those in need, using their 3D printers, design skills or other talents and abilities to collaborate with others who wish to make a positive impact in the lives of others.  Have you: 3D printed a hand? Assembled a hand? Created a tutorial? Donated a hand kit? Mentored/Taught someone about e-NABLE? Helped someone find information about e-NABLE? Started a chapter or group? Designed a device or helped improve a design? Worked at or organized an event? Donated funds or materials? Given a talk about e-NABLE? Helped with social media, websites and getting the word out? Or other activities that you have done on behalf of the e-NABLE Community?   Then this badge is for you!

You must be logged in to request badges. | View on Badgr

Earning criteria:

1. Link to proof of your participation as an e-NABLE Volunteer.

Claimed by:

DISL Taiwan
Holly Leskovics
Sadzida Kosovac
Erick Estrella
Connie Marchek
Matthew Kaiser
Alberto Navatta
Mazvydas Sverdiolas
Tim Alberth
Emmie Casey
Jay Tucker
Bob Rieger
Agi Gonda
Ryan Hess
Everton Lins
John Landreneau
C Thai
Ken Bice
Jeremy Simon
Eric Bubar
Ghislain Gauthier
Jon Schull
.. and 128 other(s)