e-NABLE Education

A space for student and educator volunteers, as well as chapters with educational affiliations


Student Chapter Networking Event 2021

Student Chapter Networking Event Invite
November 20th 2021 - 10am - 5:30pm EST


Who: All e-NABLE Student Chapters. All individuals who wish to participate or learn more about the e-NABLE ecosystem.

What: The SCN Event is a chance for chapters all over the world to come together and learn about each other. Chapters are encouraged to participate in this event through hosting a workshop or presentation. Some presentation topics include: Chapter Introductions, MakerLab Tours, and Cross Chapter Collaboration. The event is open to all individuals looking to learn more about e-NABLE. We encourage people to participate and ask questions throughout the day. There will be featured keynote speakers and networking sessions scheduled.

Where: Virtual or Hybrid on Zoom

Why: The aim of this event is to promote collaboration across chapters and encourage resource sharing. It is a chance to learn from others and create lasting connections.


1. e-NABLE: Past, Present, Future (Keynote)

10:00-10:30am EST

@Jon Schull | jschull@gmail.com

co-Founder of e-NABLE.
In past lives:

  • Professor of Biological Psychology
  • Entrepreneur (Digital Goods, Digital Right Management, 18 patents)
  • Professor of Human Computer Interaction, Innovation and Invention.

Video Recording

2. Chapter Takeaways: Marymount University (Keynote)

10:30-11:30am EST

@Eric Bubar | ebubar@gmail.com

Eric Bubar is the Associate Professor of Engineering at Marymount University. He runs unique programs in Biomedical and Mechanical Engineering that provide students with the skills to make an impact on the world using "low resource" engineering tools to create assistive technologies that are used throughout the world. Through a unique blend of 3D printing, hobbyist microcontroller electronics and virtual reality development, Dr Bubar's students brainstorm solutions to diverse problems ranging from retrofitting Barbie Dream Cars into wheelchairs to creating virtual reality games to make training for use of myoelectric prostheses fun an exciting. Most recently, Dr Bubar has teamed with Dr Kyle Reese of Recon BioTECH to develop a robust curricular suite of laboratory materials to democratize bioprinting for the masses.

Details of these projects (and more!) can be found on the web at https://sites.google.com/view/solve3d/projects. Prospective students can reach Dr Bubar at ebubar@marymount.edu for more information on how they can join in on these diverse range of engineering projects!

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3. Badge-a-thon

11:30-12:00pm EST


Video Recording


  • 18 badge requests for 6 different badges

14 volunteers, covering 4 countries and representing 6 schools.

4. Speed Round Chapter Introductions

12:30-1:00pm EST

Video Recording

5. Brandeis MakerLab Tour

1:00-2:00pm EST

Ian Roy | ianroy@brandeis.edu

Ian Roy is the Director for Research Technology and Innovation in Brandeis University's Library. He is also the Founding Head of the Brandeis MakerLab and an Adjunct Professor at the Brandeis International Business School - and a Lecturer in the Anthropology Department.

His group Research Technology and Innovation manages the 3 public Makerspaces in the Brandeis Library: The MakerLab, The Automation Lab, and the Digital Humanities Lab. His team works with researchers to overcome the technological hurdles they encounter in their workflows, top to bottom, and they constantly run local pilots in new technologies to address their needs. Their work touches on desktop/laptop/server break-fix, instrument machine support, digital forensics and security tools, institutional storage of Big Data, Cloud collaboration and backup in a Big Data context, and many of the new toolsets in the Maker community, including support of touch and gesture inputs, multiple displays, VR head mounted displays, Digital Fabrication (3D printing, Lasercutting, CNC), 3D scanning, robotics, drones, and embedded systems (Raspberry Pi, Arduino).

Ian and his team specialize in not only the technical aspects, but also the policy and political implications of implementing emerging technologies on campus. Ian was the project lead in developing both the Research Technology department and the MakerLab at Brandeis. He started at Brandeis in a staff role in 2012.


Video Recording

6. Moreau Catholic High School Chapter Introduction and Q&A

2:00-2:30pm EST

@Ananya Mukundan | amukundan2022@moreaucatholic.org

Moreau Catholic High School is an e-NABLE chapter from Hayward, California in the San Francisco Bay Area. They became a chapter in the summer of 2020, but they have been working together as a school club for the past 3 1/2 years. So far they have built 6 different hands in many designs, completed two cases, and we host twice monthly chapter meetings at our school.

Video Recording

7. e-NABLE Education Resources

2:30-3:00pm EST

@Lyndsey Wells | lyndsey.wells@wcsdny.org

Lyndsey Wells is a Teacher and High School Robotics Coach in Wappingers Central School District. She is also a State University of New York at New Paltz Professor of Math and Technology.
Education resources to explore: https://sites.google.com/wcsdny.org/enableeducationspace

Video Recording

8. Cross-Chapter Collaboration

3:00-3:30pm EST

@Jeremy Simon | jeremy@3duniverse.org

As a co-founder of the e-NABLE community, Jeremy helps to support the enablingthefuture.org website, the e-NABLE Hub, and the e-NABLE community in general. His company, 3D Universe, is a strong supporter of e‑NABLE and is responsible for developing the e‑NABLE Web Central application, producing e-NABLE Assembly Materials Kits, and managing the support help desk for e-NABLE. Jeremy is a mentor to fellow volunteers as well as classrooms around the world who are interested in participating in the e‑NABLE project. Jeremy also serves as chairperson of e-NABLE’s Community Coordination Committee and provides project management for various e-NABLE initiatives.

Video Recording

9. e-NABLE TECH: Building Animal Prosthetics

3:30-3:45pm EST

Speaker: @Alejandra Sainz with the @Enable Tech team
Technológico de Monterrey, Guadalajara México

Enable Tech campus GDA started with the help from professor Santiago de Colsa who gained two 3D printers as a prize in an entrepreneurship contest in 2015.

Santiago decided to look for a project about Computer design and 3D printing for students to use and profit on the printers. On their way to find the project, they came across the open source designs of Enabling the future, where they found not only a way to implement their knowledge but help people along the way.

Knowing the unfortunate situation in Mexico, where the biomechanics field hasn't developed yet and buying a prosthesis is quite expensive, they aim to raise funds in order to pay for the prosthesis they print and assemble, so they can give them to recipients for free.

What began as a student group has developed more seriously over time. In 2021 they became a chapter and opened their doors to external recipients. They would like to start working on instrumented designs and lower member prosthesis. Currently, they are working on finger and dog prosthesis.

Video Recording

10. Po Paraguay Chapter Introduction and Q&A

3:45-4:00pm EST

Eric Dijkuis | edijkhuis@behmak.com.py

In 2014, as 3D printing technologies were becoming popular in Paraguay, a group of three university students studying medicine and engineering joined the e-NABLE Google+ community during the early days when it still had less than 100 people. The Po Paraguay chapter evolved from there.

Video Recording

11. Virtual Networking Rooms

4:00-5:00pm EST


12. Continuing Connections and Collaboration

5:00-5:30pm EST

@Ben Rubin |ben@e-nable.org

Ben Rubin has a masters studying visual literacy. He has several years of experience working in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa with educational NGOs supporting international collaboration and media development. Since 2019, he has worked with the e-nable Media Coordination, a project that aims to establish collaborative reporting between volunteers and chapters. The effort will continue to transition into a sustainable series of internships and fellowships. More specifically, Ben has supported the Brandeis MBA internship program Kevin and Ali are a part of.

Video Recording