e-NABLE Volunteering Needs
e-NABLE Needs Your Help!
e-NABLE has succeeded because of the hard work done by our volunteers, who give their time freely to help support the community’s needs. There’s a lot you can do to help out that goes beyond just making devices for people. If you’re interested in contributing further, please have a look at our list of volunteering needs and sign up to help out where you can!
Volunteering Needs
Have some time to spare and want to help out? We’re seeking volunteers to help us with the following:
- Splints for Ukraine
- e-NABLE has partnered with Adapt3D to deliver splints to patients in Ukraine. Visit Adapt3D to join the initiative.
- Development Project for Volunteers
- Transcript Translation: See caption details in post comments
- Wishbone Project: Chapter Spotlight - Review activities with Local Chapters
- Video editing: @Nate Munro is pulling together video guides for NIOP devices
- Web Development: Review the web presence for a PPE project!
- Solid body models (CAD)
- Education coordination
- Fundraising assistance
- Update Volunteer Spreadsheet!
If you have additional interest, you can check the following places:
- Filter the Hub posts for those tagged with the topic Volunter Jobs & Unmet Needs
- Explore our outdated e-NABLE Volunteering Needs Spreadsheet
- Send a message to @Ben Rubin
Interested in helping with one of these needs? Want to see something else added to the list of needs? Post a message in the Stream of this space.
For those interested, a new volunteering need has been added at the top—partnering with Adapt3D to provide splints for patients in Ukraine.