The Handling The Future Club of Valencia Lakes who we have reported about several times since the pandemic started has now passed their initial goal of 1000 Face shields and 450 Ear Savers PPE’s to the medical facilities in this area. Today the Observer News is again collaborating to provide the precision cutting service for the second time, of sheets of polycarbonate which will yield 1200 face screens. This material is the finest quality and clarity available for Face Shields. The HTF 16-member team have been able through the continued generous donations to their 501c3 charity to order a continuing supply of materials to 3D print the face shields and do the assembly. This is all volunteers and no payed employees’ organization of 55 and over. We at the M & M Printing are proud to continue to help.
Dr. Richard Brown, the President and Founder of Handling The Future, Inc. announced today in an interview by ABC News that their charity is now making their Face Shields and Ear Savers available to Churches, Synagogues, school meal services, hospices, nursing homes, and naturally medical, chiropractic and dental facilities, in exchange for donations so they can continue to purchase materials for 3D Printing and assembly of the PPE’s.
Rich Brown ·
Rich Brown ·