No Insurance Orthotics & Prosthetics


Phase IV Project Schedule

Spring 2021

Includes FDA Device Registration, Filament Recycling Program, Continued O&P R&D for NIOP Design and Myo teams on the following prospective design projects:

  1. Zoe's ZR1 Foot, a revolutionary, new elliptical prosthetic foot design
  2. Atlas shoulder, a mod of the XO-Shoulder for those that need a full prosthetic shoulder
  3. Toddler prosthetic arm device (Crawler with optional Explorer Hand, start with transradial, then transhumeral unless we have requests @Dragomir Stanchev )
  4. Register a NIOP device with the FDA so they can be prescribed by doctors in Colorado where our chapter is located.  We have the consultant who registered the Epi-Pen helping us, and she is well versed in the process.
  5. Producing devices for my local prosthetist to establish a stream of commerce.
  6. Edit and master the assembly & intro videos with soundtracks with voice overs, Dan’s reveal animation from Part B, and custom music written by the NIOP team (so far, played all by differently abled players as well using exclusively NIOP musical adapters).
  7. Clean up any long-standing loose ends (finalize XO-Glove with simplified finger design, bionic designs currently in R&D)
  8. OpenSCAD files for the Prayer Hand, to be able to completely customize the STL files for a Phoenix Hand type transcarpal/transdigital device that can fit most hand and/or finger anatomies.
  9. Positional Locks on the Shelbow 2.0 (for both Flexion & Humeral joints) with operators that are fully functional with a device hand or hook
  10. OpenSCAD files to size the Q-C wrist system and the (6) current Q-C adapters
  11. Ten (10) New Q-C Adapters
    1. New Yogi/Yogini v2 mods -
      1. Outty (the original) - for gymnastics, push-ups, Thai Chi, Qi Gong & yoga
      2. Rocker - also works great for bathing by wrapping a wash cloth around it
      3. Flat - holds down paper for writing, can press things flat, making creases
      4. Arch - with hole for optional stainless steel spike to securely hold vegetables and meat while cutting or cooking
      5. Inny - holds ball-shaped, spherical objects down well
      6. including a smaller Jr Series for each model,
      7. also to be available with the Q-C Gooseneck option for 3DOF at the Q-C.
      8. All type, size and gooseneck options will be available on the one Yogi Q-C adapter OpenSCAD file through menus.
    2. New Doc Oc Hand Q-C adapter - with options for 3 to 8 multi-segmented articulated arms with various clips, grabbers and specialized tips for precision work with gripping small objects like tying knots, hanging pictures, soldering, twisting wires, working on PCBs, etc…
    3. Small Tool Holder adapter on the NIOP Gooseneck Q-C for 3DOF on the tool
    4. Salvation Q-C guitar pick adapter
    5. Q-C adapter for Tweezers, with new NIOP Foot Pedal for undisturbed precision during operation
    6. Phone Holster for Q-C - securely holds cell phones with adjustable positioning for comfortable use
    7. Carabiner Adapter - can securely carry grocery bags, attach to pull things, etc…
    8. Survival Hook Adapter - creates additional leverage within the grip by pulling
    9. Fin Ray Hand for Q-C - adapter that uses (3) flexible TPU Fin Ray “fingers” that can wrap around and conform to objects gripped, plus has a precision grip
    10. NIOP Hook v2 - great new re-design that’s easier to print and use
  12. New Salvation-style Quick Socket Devices - Finger (for typing & touch screens)
  13. Clean up the NIOP list of Adaptive Equipment and organize it into categories again.
  14. Further the NIOP Academy advanced STEM program and open source courseware to tie in after the e-NABLE STEM programs so middle, high schools and college students can learn to build professional grade NIOP devices in their classroom.  We already have a pilot program being tested this semester within our STEM team.
  15. Establish the NIOP Code Library, where you can download all the latest patches and updates for the Bionic and Myoelectric NIOP devices.
  16. Establish the NIOP Developer page with key elements for designers
  17. Establish the NIOP Financial Tools page, where you can find links to many grants and foundations that specifically only assist people with limb loss or cancer survivors.
  18. Create our first Pet Orthotic model for rabbits and small animals with front limb mobility issues.
  19. Continued marketing, business development and grant writing with the NIOP Marketing team now expanding to include motion graphics
  20. Continued efforts establishing and facilitating the G-NET20 global expansion campaign into 2021, to expand and raise the availability of our different printing capabilities internationally to the level that we take for granted in the US.
  21. New NIOP Quality Assurance/Quality Control team to review products
  22. Begin clinical, needs, and durability testing of devices
  23. Purchase a Filament Extruder to establish a Recycling Service for the community’s scraps, failed prints, and decommissioned devices that can be replicated to other chapters.