No Insurance Orthotics & Prosthetics


Phase I Project Schedule

Summer 2019

These are the priorities and our current best guesses about what will emerge when, trying to honor the principle that getting something out sooner is better than getting the perfect thing out later. All new designs will be reviewed by the community during beta testing, and afterward any necessary improvements will be made.

Phase 1

First set of deliverables which is scheduled to be completed by mid October to be presented at EnableCon 2019. Loomio proposal

Milestone 1

Kwawu Socket NIOP Remix Forearm with Standard 1/2"-20 Bolt Wrist Connection - delivered

Kwawu Thermoform NIOP Remix - delivered

Q-C Wrist - delivered

XO-Shoulder(s) - delivered (Robusto Arm Wrap being prototyped)

Conductor (Humeral for Exo-Shoulder) - delivered

Milestone 2

Conductor (Radial for Kwawu) - delivered


NIOP Hook - delivered

NIOP compatible Moto-Gripper Hand

Milestone 3

NIOP adapter for YouBionic HandyLite - delivered

Kwawu Bionic

Shelbow Upgrades

Phase 2

Preliminary list - Set to continue into 2020

Follow up on documentation and revisions to Phase 1 devices

Design file conversion to Fusion 360

Create OpenSCAD files for sizing NIOP devices

Prayer Hand

NIOP compatable Hintha Hand

Additional Phase 2 Projects

Advanced Kwawu Hand

Gripper Hand thumb mod for riding a bicycle

Articulated Wrist

Power-Assist Exo-Elbow

Socket(s) for Leg