No Insurance Orthotics & Prosthetics


Core Team Members

Nate Munro - NIOP Project Manager and Lead Designer

Jon Schull - e-NABLE Founder and Facilitator

Many thanks to all the wonderful e-NABLE volunteers who have helped out on this venture. This wouldn't have been possible without these fine peoples' dedication and experience:

Upper Limb Design Team:

William McCaffrey - Upper Limb Team Captain, Mechanical Engineer and Designer (Gripper hand with Q-C, HandyLite Q-C adapter, Docking Station, Selah’s thumb, Split Helix Cuff)

Jason Bender - Prosthetist and Design Consultant (Hintha hand)

Madison Bondoc - Designer (Split Helix Cuff, NIOP logo design)

Jacquin Buchanan - Consultant (Kwawu Series and OpenSCAD Software)

Tobin Darden - Intern (decorative covers and logos, Pool Shark and RoadRunner Q-C adapters)

Patrick Geary - Musician and Consultant (Nuada Hand)

Leland Green - Designer (XO-Glove)

Zach Harvey - Personal Prosthetist and Consultant (Salvation, Shelbow and Helix cuff)

Justin Itzkowitz - Mechanical Engineer and Designer (Prayer hand and PPE)

Adam Klaum - Designer and CAD Support (Prayer hand)

Alexandra Lamp - Industrial Designer (Shelbow and Q-C Wrist mechanics)

Chang Liu - Student Prosthetist and Consultant (Helix cuff and XO-Shoulder)

Lorenzo Lopez - Lead Assembler, Master Machinist and Mechanical Design Consultant

Jason Lee - Hand Designer (ARX Hand Series)

Shawn Mathiesen - Designer and OpenSCAD Development (Kwawu Bionic v2, NIOP OpenSCAD)

Skip Meetze - Consultant and Designer (Moto-Gripper/Jedi Gripper/Adjustowrap Arm)

Ahmad Haj Moussa - Lower Extremity Designer, Beta Testing (XO-Shoulder)

Donna Zimmerman - Consultant and Designer (Zelix cuff remix of Helix cuff)

FDA Registration

Tasha Bond. Ikegai Medical - FDA Consultant

Maria Esquela - Consultant (Vetting Designs and FDA/Insurance)

Lower Limb Design Team:

Anthony Rork, DPT - Lower Limb Team Captain, Doctor of Physical Therapy and Lower Extremity Device Designer

Evan Blackmon - QA/QC, Design, STEM and Accounting

Ahmad Haj Moussa - Lower Extremity Device Designer, Beta Testing (XO-Shoulder)

Shay Pinhey - Lower Extremity Device Designer

Zoe Rios - Lower Extremity Prosthetic and Adaptive Footwear Specialist

Marketing Team:

Patrick Carreiro - Marketing, Grant Writing, Document Prep, STEM & QA/QC Overflow

Dan Groh - Motion Graphics Artist, Marketing and Consultation

Ben Rubin - Marketing, Media and PR Consultation

Musical Devices/Adapters:

Janel Caverly (beta testing Salvation guitar pick adapter for Ukulele)

William McCaffrey - NIOP Job Captain and Designer (Destiny Violin Bow adapter)

Clara Rodriguez (Violin Bow Adapter, Destiny Violin Bow adapter)

Myoelectric-Bionics Team:

Ken Bice - Technical Consultant

Eric Bubar - Technical Consultant

Jacquin Buchannan - Software Consultant (Bionics and OpenSCAD)

Leland Green - Software Consultant (Bionics and OpenSCAD)

Tanya Namad and her students from Sagehill School

Aaron Bergen, Ian Grimm, Sasha Ronaghi, & Ashley Zeng - Technical Consultants and Testing

OpenSCAD Development & Coding:

Shawn Mathiesen - Designer and OpenSCAD Development (Kwawu Bionic v2, NIOP OpenSCAD)

Jacquin Buchannan - Software Consultant (Bionics and OpenSCAD)

Leland Green - Software Consultant (Bionics and OpenSCAD)

Quality Assurance/Quality Control:

Evan Blackmon - QA/QC, Design, STEM and Accounting

Mike Larson - QA/QC, Design, Durability and Device Testing

Susan Margolis - QA/QC and STEM

STEM Team:

Brian Copes - Middle and High School STEM Teacher

Keith Fiore - High School STEM Teacher

Susan Margolis - QA/QC and retired Middle School Teacher

Tanya Namad and her students from Sagehill School

Lyndsey Wells - High School and College STEM Teacher


Maria Esquela - Consultant (Vetting Designs and FDA/Insurance)

Mike Larson - QA/QC, Design, Durability and Device Testing

Everton Linz - Clinical Testing Team in Brazil

Ahmad Haj Moussa - Lower Extremity Device Designer, Beta Testing (XO-Shoulder)

Other Contributors:

Rich Brown - Consultant (XO-Glove)

Michael Campos - Consultant (Kwawu Revisions)

Josh Carter (Printing Support and PPE)

Chad Coursey - Consultant (Helix cuff)

Krzysztof Grandys - Designer (Helix cuff remix)

Jan Maren Innes - Consultant (Exo-Glove and Stroke Recovery)

Byron Lopez - Translation Services (Spanish)

James Quilty - Beta Testing (Thailand)

Bob Reiger - Consultant (Device Assembly and Badging)

Jeremy Simon - Consultant (Sourcing Device Hardware)

Younes Zitouni - Designer (Helix cuff Zitouni remix)