e-NABLE Initiatives Approved by Community Voting
e-NABLE Initiatives Approved by Community Voting
e-NABLE is using the Loomio platform for voting on proposed initiatives and projects. For details, please see the instructions here.
The following is a list of initiatives that have successfully been funded through the e-NABLE Mini-Grant program and their status:
Reimburse Jen Owen for the renewal fees for enablingthefuture.org
Date Approved: January 1, 2019
Funding Amount: $325 USD
Description: Proposal to reimburse Jen Owen for the renewal fees for 2019 for enablingthefuture.org. This includes the domain registration, hosting, and SSL certificate, with a combined total of $325.
Link to Details: Loomio proposal
Current Status: In progress (renewals occur at different times throughout the year)
Approve the Propose-a-Badge badge and process (Jon Schull)
Date Approved: February 5, 2019
Funding Amount: None
Description: Proposal for a "Propose-a-Badge" process and a new badge for those who propose new badges.
Link to Details: Loomio proposal
Current Status: Complete. New badge has been created, and volunteers are now welcome to propose new badges.
Approve an EnableFund grant of $2000 for a February e-NABLE Convergence in Thailand and Cambodia (Jon Schull)
Date Approved: February 1, 2019
Funding Amount: $2,000 USD
Description: Funding for a convergence of actual and potential e-NABLE stakeholders in neighboring Cambodia and Thailand, where e-NABLE Chapter Thai Reach [has been doing groundbreaking work in a leper colony in Khon Khen](https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/102497715636887179986/s/thai reach quilty). Two thousand dollars should cover expenses for regional travel and expenses in Thailand and Cambodia for the various participants (Jon, Ben Rubin, the two co-Founders of Thai Reach, and two representatives from Khmer organizations working with amputees and/or interested in becoming part of the e-NABLE network.)
Link to Details: More information
Current Status: Complete
Mini-Grant for Development of a Transradial Prosthetic Arm (Bhargav Parthasarathy)
Date Approved: February 1, 2019
Funding Amount: $459.66 USD
Description: Funding is to support the creation of a new transradial prosthetic arm design centered
around balancing production cost and dexterity.
Link to Details: Loomio proposal
Current Status: Status
Ratify the targeted donation of 18,000 to Sierra Leone (Jon Schull)
Date Approved: January 1, 2019
Funding Amount: $18,000 USD
Description: A donation was made to the e-NABLE Fund specifically for the purpose of supporting amputee-related charitable activities in Sierra Leone, West Africa. This proposal was just to get community approval to distribute those funds as intended.
Link to Details: Loomio proposal
Current Status: Complete
Consulting Prosthetics Student Funding Proposal (Chang Liu)
Date Approved: October 27, 2018
Funding Amount: $4,800 USD
Description: Chang Liu, current 4th year student (2018-19) of the Prosthetics and Orthotics department, has done a summer internship with e-NABLE, a global community that provides under-resourced users with 3D printed prosthetic arm solutions. Through this internship, it has become clear that the collaborative input of prosthetics students and e-NABLE engineers/designers will lead to better innovation, and the provision of safer and more functional 3D printed prostheses for recipients globally. She has presented on the outcomes of this internship and this funding proposal during the SPC meeting on 12/10/18. Chang would like to seek funding to be employed for 10 hours a week to help extend this collaboration to additional P&O students of Strathclyde.
Link to Details: Loomio proposal
Current Status: Work is in progress
Funding a SHAP clinical evaluation kit for an e-NABLE clinical study in South Florida (Nicklaus Children's Hospital, Miami, FL)
Date Approved: October 19, 2018
Funding Amount: $2,665 USD
Description: Southampton Hand Assessment Procedure kit to provide to Nicklaus Children's Hospital (Miami, FL), in support of a five (5) year pilot study evaluating the efficacy of 3-D scanning for custom fitting of eNABLE devices and designing novel devices to increase access to 3-D printed orthotic and prosthetic devices to upper limb amputees.
Link to Details: Loomio proposal
Current Status: Work is in progress
Micro-Grant to fund creation of a simple, low-cost mechanical gripper thumb
Date Approved: October 10, 2018
Funding Amount: $500 USD
Description: Eric Bubar has applied for a sabbatical to create a microswitch activated gripper thumb. This would be an ultra-low cost, purposely simple design that uses a servo or dc motor to actuate a cable or directly drive the thumb in the gripper thumb prosthetic design of Skip Meetze. The purpose of this micro grant is to provide $500 of funding for equipment costs. Based on early prototypes, this should be sufficient to purchase electronics for 8-10 mechanical gripper thumbs. This funding would be used to purchase the necessary electronics and create kits to provide to partners interested in creating, testing and providing feedback on the design. Additional plastic and other hardware costs to build the hands and any shipping costs would be covered by Eric's current research lab budget. The requested funding is largely needed to demonstrate that interest in this project from eNABLE as an entity is high. This will strengthen the competitiveness of the sabbatical proposal for the review committee.
Link to Details: Loomio proposal
Current Status: Work is in progress
Fund Jen Owen's Work for the Global Community
Date Approved: September 1, 2018
Funding Amount: $10,000 USD
Description: $4000 for 8 months previous work in 2018 at a rate of $500 per month - taken from the funds set aside for Jen Owen and voted on by the community - payable immediately.
$500 per month for 5 months from the remaining funding set aside for Jen Owen by previous vote of the community.
$500 per month out of the Enable Fund from the community to continue working for them until such a time that Jen is no longer able to or no longer needed once the initial funds set aside for her have run out.
Given the wording of the proposal, we are considering this an approval for $10,000 ($4,000 for previous work, $2,500 for 5 months of work already approved by the community, and another 7 months at $500/month). That will take us to September, 2019, at which point a new proposal will be needed.
Link to Details: Loomio proposal
Current Status: Work is completed and monthly payments have ended.
New Modular Arm Design
Date Approved: June 1, 2018
Funding Amount: None ($12,500 USD funding will be raised through GoFundMe, with 10% going back to the e-NABLE Fund)
Description: Create a design useful in developing countries for amputations below and above elbow.
Design a systems approach to upper limb prosthetics, that will better meet the need of arm amputations in the developing word. This will be a modular design that can be manufactured as parts. The final assembly and fitting can be done from a standard set of pre-made parts in a single visit with the recipient.
The design will focus on the largest population need, lower arm and mid upper arm recipients.
Link to Details: Loomio proposal
Current Status: In progress
Ongoing e-NABLE Web Central Development
Date Approved: April 27, 2018
Funding Amount: $10,000 USD
Description: The 3D Universe team (Jeremy Simon and Aleks Jones) have been working on the development of e-NABLE Web Central for over a year. A lot of work has been completed, but there are many features that we still hope to deliver. We have always done this development work as volunteers without financial support, and we intend to continue doing so as far as our own contributions are concerned. However, moving forward, we are going to need the help of additional developers, and we are seeking funding assistance to help pay these additional developers for their work.
Link to Details: Loomio proposal
Current Status: Guillermo (the developer we hired) is doing a great job, and we're adding lots of new features and functionality. A detailed report of what's been accomplished with Guillermo's time is available on the Loomio page.
E-NABLE Community Printables, Flyer, Event materials packet
Date Approved: March 30, 2018
Funding Amount: $4,000 USD (4 Payments of $1000 USD dependent on deliverables)
Description: Creation of an e-NABLE Community Printables Packet, Posters, Business Cards and event materials that can be edited by volunteers who may want to replace the English text with text in their own language and add their own e-NABLE Chapter logo and information to it.
Link to Details: Loomio proposal
Current Status: Work is complete. Materials are available here.
Let's Make a Newsletter
Date Approved: December 15, 2017
Funding Amount: $1,500 for one year
Description: e-NABLE launched a newsletter this summer, but with no one to lead the project, it has not yet flourished. By Jon Schull's invitation, Sarah Anne Paynter would like to write a monthly newsletter for e-NABLE.
Link to Details: Loomio proposal
Current Status: Work is complete
Using 3D Printed Prosthetic Hands to Improve the Quality of Life of Appalachian Children
Date Approved: November 24, 2017
Funding Amount: $1,000
Description: Conduct a study of how e-NABLE devices affect the quality of life of children in the Southern Appalachian region. The study will include standardized pediatric quality of life surveys, as well as Actigraph accelerometry, which will track how much the child is moving the affected limb in space before and after being fitted with the prosthetic.
Link to Details: Loomio proposal
Current Status: Waiting for an invoice to be generated, after which funding will be issued.
Establish Re-NABLE as custodian for the $50,000 from Google and as executor of the Mini-Grant program
Date Approved: November 6, 2017
Funding Amount: $3,500
Description: The Board of Rochester e-NABLE (a NY State non-profit) will become custodian for the $50,000 from Google and act as executor of the e-NABLE Mini-Grant program.
Link to Details: Loomio proposal**
Current Status: Funds have been transferred to Re-NABLE. All future approved funding requests will be facilitated by Re-NABLE.
Allocate funding to support Jen Owen's work on enablingthefuture.org and other e-NABLE related initiatives
Date Approved: September 8, 2017
Funding Amount: $12,500
Description: Based upon community voting, it was decided that $12,500 would be allocated to enablingthefuture.org (Jen Owen) as reward for the past 3 years of work and to facilitate ongoing work on ETF. Another $12,500 will be allocated to support specific ETF projects, pending community review of Jen’s proposals.
Link to Details: Original voting results
Current Status: A wire transfer for $12,500 has been sent to Jen Owen.