e-NABLE Community Coordination Committee Members
After creating the e‑NABLE G+ community, Jon Schull recruited several community leaders who recruited some more as circumstances seemed to warrant. We are eager to be joined by the next generation of e‑NABLE leaders, and we're trying to formulate a lightweight representative democratic process to better realize the emerging vision of e‑NABLE as a "bossless" confederation of chapters and individuals united by shared values. To participate in this bootstrapping process, please contact Jeremy Simon (jeremy@3duniverse.org).
Jeremy Simon, CCC Chairperson
Jeremy has been a part of e-NABLE since early 2014, working mostly behind the scenes. He helps to support the enablingthefuture.org website, the e-NABLE Hub, and other e-NABLE infrastructure. His company, 3D Universe, is a strong supporter of e-NABLE and is responsible for developing the e-NABLE Web Central application, operating e-NABLE's help desk, as well as producing assembly materials kits and specialty 3D printing supplies for making e-NABLE devices.
Jon Schull, Co-Founder of e‑NABLE, Founder of Re‑NABLE
Jon Schull is co-Founder of e-NABLE, a global network of volunteers making free open-source 3D-printed prosthetics for underserved populations. In previous lives, he has been a biological psychologist (Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania), tenured professor of Biological Psychology (Haverford College) and Human Computer Interaction (Rochester Institute of Technology), entrepreneur (SoftLock.com/ DigitalGoods.com), and inventor (19 patents on digital rights management and interface design).
Other Participants
Each week, several others join the Town Hall meetings to participate in community discussions. These participants vary over time, but anyone with an interest in helping to discuss issues affecting the e-NABLE community and to help create solutions to address challenges is welcome to join us. Some of our regular participants currently include:
- Sarah Gelbard
- Adam Jennings
- Tainara dos Santos Bina