e-NABLE Newsletter Project

Every quarter, a collection of stories covering the expanding horizon of the e-NABLE community will be pulled together into a newsletter. The creation process of this newsletter is open for collaboration - all suggestions and input welcome!


Next Issue!

This is the page to propose content for the upcoming issue.

Profile picture of Ben Rubin

Ben Rubin · · Last updated Oct 3, 2019 - 5:14 AM

@Jon Schull

re updating the Education article

this article cites this article

A routine source of possible stories should be..

  1. be new projects on wikifactory. (You probably get the wikifactory newsletter. I've also forwarded you the Fab Foundation newsletter).
  2. Jeremy's SPC meeting highlights.

With regard to which, we hope to publish MotoGripper 1.0 next week.

@Jeremy Simon that means Skip could present to SPC June 21

Cambodian Connections
our trip
Lauren's trip
Saul from UMD
Konnections with KhonKhen...

Profile picture of Ben Rubin

Ben Rubin ·


Hub collaborations using ‘Unmet Needs’ Topic: 3D Modeling designs for recipients - visual customizer, 3D > 2D > 3D research paper, augmented reality modeling with live video