e-Nable Panama | Boqueron, Panama
Have your community activities changed during the last several months?
Please summarize your efforts
Yes, we are on lockdown and ALL Borders and all airports are closed. They now say they will possibly reopen Aug. 7th of this year.
What are the current needs of your community?
What are the current needs for your chapter and activities?
PPE! I am the only member of the chapter that has a 3D Printer and I have to pay all costs of material out of pocket.
Have you received promotional filament to support your efforts?
How have you used these materials?
No filament!
Have you partnered with any other chapters, groups, or organizations?
What advice can you offer for others working to contribute to their community needs?
People, get all the PPE you can out to the community ASAP. I know here in Panama the hospitals and clinics have very little help from the Government and are protesting! And I'm afraid they will refuse to work. I know I can't keep up with the demand for face shields. We do need help! I have not been able to send equipment to Panama City do to lack of face shields. I'm printing 24/7 with very little sleep!