e-NABLE in the Time of COVID

This space brings together stories and contributions from our volunteers and chapters around the world to adapt to needs brought by the pandemic.

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e-NABLE Nepal | Katmandu, Nepal

Have your community activities changed during the last several months?

Please summarize your efforts

Yes, we used to make hands and now we are making face shields over the past few months.

What are the current needs of your community?

What are the current needs for your chapter and activities?

3D printed face shields

Have you received promotional filament to support your efforts?

How have you used these materials?

No - but we would like to know more. Right now due to the lockdown we are in shortage of filament.

Have you partnered with any other chapters, groups, or organizations?

What advice can you offer for others working to contribute to their community needs?

Yes with local community club

Submitted by Shikshya Gautam

Chapter Facebook Page
Email address info@enablenepal.org