Robotel | Istanbul, Turkey
Have your community activities changed during the last several months?
Please summarize your efforts
Our activities have changed during the COVID-19 months. We focused on 3 main issues:
- Analyzing, editing, testing, and publishing maker projects about Coronavirus (for those making masks, shields, aprons, etc) so that people could access verified information, produce their own protective materials, and help others in their neighborhoods.
- Making 3D printed shields for health personel here (this lasted only for a while until mass production facilities kicked in).
- Innovational design for Coronavirus equipment (changing diving masks to protective gear through printed parts) and organizing the production of such materials.
What are the current needs of your community?
What are the current needs for your chapter and activities?
Our current needs are mostly operational support for connecting volunteers and cases (we do not have staff for this yet). We also need financial support for this kind of work.
Have you received promotional filament to support your efforts?
How have you used these materials?
Yes we have... we have a local PLA filament producer sponsoring us. We are very happy to say we have no problem there. We have been using these materials for 6 months now and have printed both e-NABLE hands and Coronavirus gear using it.
Have you partnered with any other chapters, groups, or organizations?
What advice can you offer for others working to contribute to their community needs?
Yes, not with other chapters but mostly local companies, NGOs and organizations. Each partnership is a story of its own, but have been useful in accomplishing our goals.
Submitted by @Zeynep Karagöz
Chapter Facebook Page
*Istanbul is both in Europe & Asia!