Marymount eNABLE | VA, USA
Have your community activities changed during the last several months?
Please summarize your efforts
I started making face shields in mid-March before this was a big deal locally. I printed a few of the existing designs on Thingiverse (before the NIH had their Covid Response page) and had a few local physicians test them out and provide feedback. Once I had a design down (my contacts all preferred the prusa and verkstan face shields) I took two printers from my research lab home (as we were about to enter into a stay at home order in the DC/MD/VA area) and started printing as many as I could. I organized a local school district to convince tech teachers to take home printers to print as well and partnered up with Madison Bondoc, chapter head of eNABLE DC to raise funds for printing as many face shields as we could.
We continued printing shields and providing them to anyone who requested them and started receiving requests from hospitals, nursing homes, elder care facilities, etc. Eventually we obtained enough funds to purchase a large order of injection molded shields that we started providing in bulk. Once we had those injection molded pieces, we shifted to printing ear savers and redesigning shields to meet specific needs. Most recently we have been redesigning and printing extended visor face shields for dentists to accommodate the lights and magnifying tools that they need as they start to reopen their practices.
In addition we are printing the BE Mask and have embarked on a research project to establish a testing protocol for demonstrating the efficacy of various mask designs using easily available materials for home eNABLERs to replicate (rather than costly particulate counting apparatus's that require sterile lab environments and high levels of technical expertise).
What are the current needs of your community?
What are the current needs for your chapter and activities?
Our community has a big need for ear savers and dental-specific face shields that can accommodate lighting.
Have you received promotional filament to support your efforts?
How have you used these materials?
We have not received promotional filament for any of our work. It has all been supported through gofundme donations and financial backing from my university's research lab.
Have you partnered with any other chapters, groups, or organizations?
What advice can you offer for others working to contribute to their community needs?
We partnered with eNABLE DC. For helping your community, our recommendation has been to reach out to your social networks to inform people you know of what you can fabricate. Then, wait for requests before going crazy with printing. Speak with people you know or friends of people you know to get the materials directly to the people who need it. Some facilities don't/won't accept printed materials through administrative people (the ones that don't actually need the equipment) but the employees at highest risk/exposure are happy (even desperate) to use it. With anything you make, it is important to follow responsible practices though and make sure to handle all printed pieces as though you have the virus. I don't attempt to sterilize and make this VERY clear to recipients. They need to wash and sterilize on their own. My best practices are to use gloves and a mask when removing prints, place it immediately into a sealed ziploc bag and wait for 2-3 days before delivering it.