Helping Hands of Littleton | CO, USA
Have your community activities changed during the last several months?
Please summarize your efforts
Our activities in Littleton e-NABLE have completely changed. All prosthetics and research were suspended, and we devoted our time to creating PPE intended for nursing homes, homeless shelters, and local protesters. We have created about 500 face shields, several hundred ear straps, and 350 reusable coffee filter masks. We moved from our workshops to a shared collection center from March to June.
You can see more of our local resources and media on Google Drive
We are currently shifting back to @NIOP projects and research after the PPE push and will be making cases for new projects coming up.
What are the current needs of your community?
What are the current needs for your chapter and activities?
Colorado is a green zone, and continues to work towards containment at places like the meat packing plants where contagion continues to pose a high risk.
Have you received promotional filament to support your efforts?
How have you used these materials?
We received packing supplies from Make4Covid and support from volunteers at our local Colorado Maker Space.
Have you partnered with any other chapters, groups, or organizations?
What advice can you offer for others working to contribute to their community needs?
Promotional networking is important! Look for partners to piggyback upon instead of remaking the wheel. Pioneering takes time with volunteers. Contributions to solutions are more important than being attached to personal results. I wonder what else can we make? Orthotics?
Submitted by @Nate Munro
Chapter Facebook Page