e-NABLE Education Meetup | March 2022
MONDAY | March 7th 12pm EST
Guest Presenters:
@Eric Bubar | Virginia, USA
@Lyndsey Wells | New York, USA
Karen Bell | New York, USA
Presenters will share new curriculum and degrees that bring together a network of schools inspired by e-NABLE's mission.
Community Leader: Ben Rubin
- 12:21:11 From Karen Bell to Everyone: Fascinating
- 12:21:38 From Eric Bubar to Everyone: Projects going on in Marymount biomedical engineering: https://sites.google.com/view/solve3d/projects
- 12:21:49 From e-NABLE Events to Everyone: Thanks Eric! 12:22:06 From Eric Bubar to Everyone: Link to Marymount University Biomedical Engineering program: https://marymount.edu/academics/college-of-sciences-and-humanities/school-of-natural-sciences-and-mathematics/undergraduate-programs/bachelor-of-science-in-biomedical-engineering/
- 12:32:37 From Alexander to Everyone: Hey all, sorry I'm late, I'll catch up with what I've missed afterwards. Nice to see everyone!
- 12:36:35 From e-NABLE Events to Everyone: It's recorded, no worries Alexander!
- 12:44:52 From e-NABLE Events to Everyone: Feel free to add questions to Eric, Lyndsey and Karen in the chat!
- 12:47:23 From e-NABLE Events to Everyone: last month's e-NABLE Education Meeting February 7th Dr. Lanba will share student work and curriculum from USM in collaboration with Dean Rock, an NGO in the Dominican Republic, and the local Rotary. https://hub.e-nable.org/content/perma?id=52311
- 12:58:22 From e-NABLE Events to Everyone: I haven't been keeping my eye on the time, we're coming up on the hour - I have a few minutes to go over but no pressure, I know it's still Monday for all of us!
- 13:08:37 From Eric Bubar to Everyone: My email: ebubar@marymount.edu
- 13:08:54 From Lyndsey Wells to Everyone: Lyndsey.wells@wcsdny.org
- 13:09:12 From Eric Bubar to Everyone: I'm only here b/c its spring break