e-NABLE Devices Catalog

Information about e-NABLE device designs and related resources



XO Shoulder.jpg

To learn about what each of the above icons represents, please refer to the Device Ratings Guide.


Designer: Nate Munro, Ahmad Alhaj Moussa


The Exo-Shoulder is an upper arm module to help with recipients that have a working shoulder but have a residual limb too short for the Helix cuff to hold.

It is interchangeable with the Helix cuff and can attach to the Top Plate on the Shelbow. It also works with the [Humeral Conductor https://wikifactory.com/+e-NABLE/niop-project/files/NIOP%20Design%20Team/Design/Conductors/Humeral%20Conductor%20for%20Exo-Shoulder to support and increase leverage for short residual limbs.

It consists of a printed base for the upper arm with a thermoformed wrap to make the top half and the shoulder joint. The shoulder joint itself rotates around two fixed, round plates held together with a screw post \(a.k.a. Chicago screw\) that hold the Upper Arm Wrap and the Shoulder Connector in place.

The Shoulder Connector part will also be thermoformed and has a sliding spacer for the shoulder strap to keep the shoulder from buckling when the arm is raised to the side.

The Shoulder Connector attaches to the front and the back of the wearer, by a Clavicle Plate in the front, and a Scapula Plate in the back. Each has adjustable straps that go over the shoulder, under the arm, and across the wearer’s chest to hold the arm on securely.

Files and Resources

STL Files: https://hub.e-nable.org/s/niop-no-insurance-optimized-prosthetics/cfiles/browse/index?fid=94

Source CAD Files: Coming soon


Assembly Materials Kit: Coming soon

Video Tutorials: Coming soon

Feedback: https://forms.gle/Z7f41G4tYEE5u1s57