Standard Wrist Pin
![SWP.jpg]( "SWP.jpg")
To learn about what each of the above icons represents, please refer to the [Device Ratings Guide]( "Device Ratings Guide").
![wrist pin.jpg]( "wrist pin.jpg")
**Designer:** Nate Munro, Lorenzo Lopez
The standard NIOP Wrist Pin requires very little clean up and snaps into place without fasteners. Once the Wrist Retention Ring and Stopper are added to the wrist connection, it is extremely strong and limits the range of rotation to that of a natural wrist.
# Files and Resources
**STL Files:** []( "")
**Source CAD Files:** Coming soon
**Instructions:** [](
**Assembly Materials Kit:** Coming soon
**Video Tutorials:** Coming soon
**Feedback: [](\
[![]( =150x)](**