e-NABLE Devices Catalog

Information about e-NABLE device designs and related resources


Salvation II Guitar Pick Adapter

Salvation Guitar Pick II.jpg

To learn about what each of the above icons represents, please refer to the Device Ratings Guide.

salvation 2 1.jpg

salv 2 .jpg

salv 2 3.jpg

Designer: Nate Munro


A remix of the Salvation Guitar Pick Adapter with a thermoform-able base, for a custom fit on longer residual limbs, or against the palm.

You can see the adapter in action here:

I can wear it for 6-8 hours straight without circulation issues. It also greatly sped up my recovery from my amputation by giving me regular physical therapy from playing again.

Make sure not to tighten the strap too tight so it cuts off your circulation. Use at your own risk, and check with your doctor before using.

To put it on:

Put the big back loop over your arm. Then stretch the front loop over.

Then adjust the tension between the two sides by sliding your finger under the strap on the loose side and sliding toward the strap hole so the tight side gets the slack, and equalize the tension.

To position it, hold your arm out straight in front of you. To play electric guitars or thin bodied instruments, the adapter should point out at 9 o'clock for the right side, 3 o'clock for left. I adjust it to 10 o'clock/2 o'clock for acoustic guitars with a thicker body.

You will also need:

medium thumb picks - 5 pack https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B002G22AV2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o09__o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

latex-free skin-safe tourniquets https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BGCRKV6/ref=oh_aui_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1

triglides - 10 pack https://smile.amazon.com/Strapworks-Black-Plastic-Mouth-Tri-Glide/dp/B01KTVDQ3C/ref=pd_cp_201_2?pd_rd_w=n9lIE&pf_rd_p=ef4dc990-a9ca-4945-ae0b-f8d549198ed6&pf_rd_r=ENM3RXM2AH2ADCWG6VZA&pd_rd_r=d5ec024c-536f-11e9-a56e-99f017310be1&pd_rd_wg=hhYXL&pd_rd_i=B01KTVDQ3C&psc=1&refRID=ENM3RXM2AH2ADCWG6VZA

Loctite Plastic Bonder https://smile.amazon.com/Loctite-Plastics-Bonding-Activator-681925/dp/B000Y3LHXW/ref=sr_1_12?keywords=locktite+plastic+bonder&qid=1554008839&s=gateway&sr=8-12

Files and Resources

STL Files: https://hub.e-nable.org/s/niop-no-insurance-optimized-prosthetics/cfiles/browse/index?fid=198

Source CAD Files: Coming soon

Instructions: https://hub.e-nable.org/s/niop-no-insurance-optimized-prosthetics/cfiles/browse/index?fid=197

Assembly Materials Kit: Coming soon

Video Tutorials: Coming soon

Feedback: https://forms.gle/Z7f41G4tYEE5u1s57