Salvation Guitar Pick Adapter
![Salvation Guitar Pick.jpg]( "Salvation Guitar Pick.jpg")
To learn about what each of the above icons represents, please refer to the [Device Ratings Guide]( "Device Ratings Guide").
![salvation 1.png](file-guid:f128ce93-9740-4351-a7ce-3ec30373dc07 "salvation 1.png")
**Designer:** Nate Munro
This is an adapter for individuals who are missing a hand or fingers, to hold a medium thumb style guitar pick securely on their arm. The unique shape of the strap holes lets the strap brace the adapter from both sides so it is very responsive.
It should work for picking most stringed instruments, and you can use it on either arm. It should also work well for people who suffer from arthritis or partial paralysis.
# Files and Resources
**STL Files:** []( "")
**Source CAD Files:** Coming soon
**Instructions:** [](
**Assembly Materials Kit:** Coming soon
**Video Tutorials:** Coming soon
**Feedback: [](\
[![]( =150x)](**