Quick-Connect Wrist Pin
To learn about what each of the above icons represents, please refer to the Device Ratings Guide.
Designer: Nate Munro, Alexandra Lamp, Lorenzo Lopez
The Q-C (Quick Connect) wrist connection system will allow the wearer to quickly and conveniently exchange terminal devices from a NIOP arm, by simply pressing a release button and twisting the hand/device to slide it free of the arm.
It uses a modified NIOP Wrist Pin so the terminal device will still turn like a natural wrist and have set limits to the range of motion.
The following terminal devices are interchangeable with the Q-C wrist:
Kwawu Bionic https://wikifactory.com/+e-NABLE/niop-project/files/NIOP%20Design%20Team/Design/Kwawu%20Bionic
YouBionic HandyLite https://www.youbionic.com/store/handylite3d
NIOP Hook https://wikifactory.com/+e-NABLE/niop-project/files/NIOP%20Design%20Team/Design/NIOP%20Hook
Files and Resources
STL Files: https://hub.e-nable.org/s/niop-no-insurance-optimized-prosthetics/cfiles/browse/index?fid=86
Source CAD Files: Coming soon
Instructions: https://hub.e-nable.org/s/niop-no-insurance-optimized-prosthetics/cfiles/browse/index?fid=142
Assembly Materials Kit: Coming soon
Video Tutorials: Coming soon
Feedback: https://forms.gle/Z7f41G4tYEE5u1s57