Phoenix Reborn Arm

To learn about what each of the above icons represents, please refer to the [Device Ratings Guide](wiki:/s/e-nable-devices/wiki/Device+Ratings+Guide "Device Ratings Guide").
**Designers:** Ed Choi - Derived from designs by Albert Fung, below_cho, John Diamond, Team UnLimbited, Jason Bryant, John Diamond, Scott Darrow, and Andreas Bastian
This is an elbow-driven device. To use this design, users must have a functional elbow that bends to force the fingers closed on the hand. For more information, see the [Which Design](wiki:/s/e-nable-devices/wiki/Which+Design%3F "Which Design?") page.
This is a Remix of the Phoenix Hand & UnLimbited Arm, designed by Albert Fung. This project is a collaboration between e-NABLE Sierra Leone and the Hong Kong Maker Club.\
It became apparent in our previous feasibility study that for the 3D printed prosthetics to survive the tropics, we need to remove components that are not well-adapted to hot weather. We therefore set out to replace all the rubber bands in the Phoenix hand.\
Palm: We used the One-Arm palm designed by below_cho as out starting point. All the cable tunnels have been widened, the knuckle stumps removed, and a bar is added at the thumb base for tying elastic cord.\
Palm mesh: we have modified the thick palm mesh by John Diamond to strengthen the screw holes.\
Fingers: Tunnels have been created so an elastic cord can now run all the way from the finger tip up into the palm.\
Pins: For snug fitting, some of the pins have been resized and reshaped.
# Files and Resources
**STL Files:** [Link](
**Source CAD Files:** Not available
**Instructions:** Not available
**Assembly Materials Kit:** [Link]( (You’ll also need to purchase [additional velcro straps](
**Video Tutorial:** Not available
**e-NABLE Device Color Customizer:** [Link](