Oded Hand - awaiting confirmation and tests
all above on medium?
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**Designer:** Oded Katzman, Shunit Polinsky ,members of Haifa3D and students from the Techion IIT
Bionic hand for above wrist cases, or non functional wrist cases. This device includes a Mobile App, electronics and mechanics. The thumb has 2 discrete orientations, the rest of the fingers have 3 joints with independent movement between fingers. The control is done with a microcontroller within the cuff. Currently actuation is done (???) with a number of sensors and/or the phone app.
Fingers are independent modules, and the maker can choose a different interface method such as EMG, IMU, Voice control or others, by connecting to the microcontroller or the phone app.
For more information, see the [Which Design?](wiki:/s/e-nable-devices/wiki/Which+Design%3F "Which Design?") page.
**Maker’s summary:**
3D printed robotic hand design focusing on low cost, accessible, easy to assemble, robust and lightweight. The Oded's Hand can perform a variety of user-defined hand configurations using an autonomous adaptive grip as well as variety of grip force levels. The mechanical elements are constructed of four fingers in which every finger is a separate tendon-driven mechanism that is actuated by a micro DC motor. The design also includes a passive thumb with two discrete orientations, and a rotating wrist powered by another DC motor. All five independent DC motors are controlled by a microcontroller system which monitors the motor's current state for autonomous grip. In addition, the system uses Bluetooth connectivity to communicate with additional sensors or with your phone for various methods of controlling the hand.\
Developers may also use this model to test new finger designs since each finger is an independent module and different user interface methods such as EMG, IMU, Voice control, and more, by accessing the simple-to-use app and communication protocol.
**Maker’s notes:**
Feedback from users would help improving the design and new user interfaces methods for controlling the hand would be much appreciated.
**STL Files:** [Link](https://github.com/Haifa3D/hand-mechanical-design/tree/main/stl_files)
**Source CAD Files:** [Link](https://github.com/Haifa3D/hand-mechanical-design/tree/main/xt_files)
**More images:** [Link](https://github.com/Haifa3D/hand-mechanical-design/tree/main/images)
**Mechanical BOM:** [Link](https://github.com/Haifa3D/hand-mechanical-design)
**Electronics BOM:** [Link](https://github.com/Haifa3D/hand-electronic-design)
Mechanical design: [Link](https://github.com/Haifa3D/hand-mechanical-design)
Electronics: [Link](https://github.com/Haifa3D/hand-electronic-design)
Mobile App: [Link](https://github.com/Haifa3D/haifa3d-hand-app)
PDF Manual: [Link](https://github.com/Haifa3D/hand-mechanical-design/blob/main/docs/manual_05dec20.pdf)
**Video Tutorials:** Available on the above resources ?