MotoGripper Terminal Device

To learn about what each of the above icons represents, please refer to the [Device Ratings Guide](wiki:/s/e-nable-devices/wiki/Device+Ratings+Guide "Device Ratings Guide").

**Designers:** Skip Meetze and Jon Schull
The MotoGripper is a Gripper Thumb hand with a motor. Whereas the original Gripper Thumb Hand presumed that a non-amputated hand would be used to place an object into the Gripper Thumb's grasp, the MotoGripper allows for one-handed operation, opening and then closing the device automatically each time a button is actuated. This will be especially useful for bilateral amputees.
The MotoGripper uses "paper clip origami" in place of wires, soldering equipment, microswitches, and microcontrollers. Assembly should take less than an hour, and the only tools required are needle-nosed pliers, wire cutters, and a screwdriver. The "paper clip circuitry" is easy enough for a child to assemble, and complex enough for a beginner's lesson in electricity and circuit logic.
# Files and Resources
**STL Files:** [Link](
**Source CAD Files:** Not available, but see [Tinkercad]( for Mesh Model
**Instructions:** [Link](
**Assembly Materials Kit:** Not available
**Video Tutorial:** (see instructions)