e-NABLE Devices Catalog

Information about e-NABLE device designs and related resources


Kwawu Thermoform NIOP Remix

Kwawu Therm.jpg

To learn about what each of the above icons represents, please refer to the Device Ratings Guide.

Kwawu Therm.jpg

Designer: Nate Munro, Lorenzo Lopez - original design by Jaquin Buchannan


This project is simply converting the Kwawu Thermoform design so both the Socket and Thermoformed forearms are interchangeable within the NIOP catalog and can use the different NIOP wrist options as well as the traditional 1/2"-20 bolt for prosthetics.

If you use the 1/2"-20 bolt option you will also need this threaded insert:

1/2"-20 SS HELICAL x 1/2" Part\# 91732A533


There are also two options for the Arm1 part, with and without the grip latch.

These Kwawu thermoform parts have been scaled to be compatible with the NIOP catalog.  Use the NIOP Sizing Guide temporarily for sizing until the OpenSCAD file is ready.

The upcoming OpenSCAD sizing file scheduled for Phase 2 will allow the maker to add the latch, choose the wrist connection type, and parametrically size the device, when they render the stl files for printing similar to the Kwawu.

Files and Resources

STL Files: https://hub.e-nable.org/s/niop-no-insurance-optimized-prosthetics/cfiles/browse/index?fid=78

Source CAD Files: Coming soon

Instructions: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1xh_uhbuTU0p7a75VxpkvWhYrrG1q0j-TXbDeswFd5dg/edit

Thermoforming guide (necessary step after printing): https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vRrSvh5gyer06V04wRIicKZ5XdkHlzifs61xIk6QM2qESaz4r7LsP-o9Mh0a8pGL1RNODS1UJrWNPaS/pub?start=true&loop=false&delayms=60000&slide=id.g80b480ec7d_1_0

Assembly Materials Kit: Coming soon

Video Tutorials: Coming soon

Feedback: https://forms.gle/Z7f41G4tYEE5u1s57