Flexy Arm

To learn about what each of the above icons represents, please refer to the [Device Ratings Guide](wiki:/s/e-nable-devices/wiki/Device+Ratings+Guide "Device Ratings Guide").
**Designer:** Christian Silva - derived from designs by Steve Wood (Gyrobot), Jon Schull and Skip Meetze
This is an elbow-driven device. To use this design, users must have a functional elbow that bends to force the fingers closed on the hand. For more information, see the [Which Design](wiki:/s/e-nable-devices/wiki/Which+Design%3F#null "Which Design?") page.
The Flexy Arm is an arm design derived from the Flexy Hand 2 from Steve Wood (Gyrobot).
# Files and Resources
**STL Files:** [Link](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:894705)
**Source CAD Files:** Not available
**Instructions:** Not available
**Assembly Materials Kit:** Not available
**Video Tutorial:** Not available
**e-NABLE Device Color Customizer:** [Link](https://bymu.eu/customizer/?device=flexy-arm)