e-NABLE Devices Catalog

Information about e-NABLE device designs and related resources


Brace Plate

brace plate.jpg

To learn about what each of the above icons represents, please refer to the Device Ratings Guide.

brace plate.jpg

Designer: Nate Munro


This brace plate anchors the drive-line for the NIOP Kwawu Remix and Shelbow modules from the NIOP modular arm system. It is recommended that you print the brace plate in PETG, although PLA works.

The example shown in the photos was not tied with a knot yet so the recipient could do a final adjustment when they received it. The small gold pin shown in the pictures was just to secure the drive-line during shipping. The drive-line should be tied securely to the hole at the end of the plate. You can add a drop of super glue to the knot for extra reinforcement.

A strip of 2" wide nylon webbing was used as a backing to keep the neoprene brace from tearing under the pressure. The brace plate can be fused to the Nylon webbing with Locktite plastic bonder in addition to the stitching to ensure the plate is responsive when pulled.

It is strongly recommended that you see a professional prosthetist for guidance before using this device. You can do permanent damage to the wearer with improperly fitted devices, so get a professional to help advise you. If you can not afford to see a doctor or live where they are unavailable, visit enablingthefuture.org to find a volunteer prosthetist to help.

Additional Materials:

brace https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07PT3HY7M/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1

4" long strip of 2" wide nylon webbing

nylon braided fishing line, tough thread, or dental floss for stitching

Locktite plastic bonder (optional)

Files and Resources

STL Files: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3712119

Source CAD Files: Coming soon

Instructions: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3712119

Assembly Materials Kit: Coming soon

Video Tutorials: Coming soon

Feedback: https://forms.gle/Z7f41G4tYEE5u1s57