3 D Printing Materials

A collection of information about common 3D filaments used most often in e-NABLE


Printing with Flexible Filaments - TPU

To print flexible filaments requires special care, and likely special printer components.

  • The print temperature and bed heat are only slightly higher than PLA when printing TPU, but the print speed needs to be considerably slower - such as 15mm/sec versus a more standard 40-60mm/sec.
  • The filament channel, if possible, should be a direct drive (the extruder feeds directly into the hot end)
  • If instead the printer is a bowden tube feed to the hot end, replace the tube with the precision Capricorn PTFE tubing (https://www.filastruder.com/products/capricorn-ptfe-tubing?variant=45539850511). For example, if you use a Shore 90A or above material, you can likely get by with a standard filament channel but below 90A you should preferably be using Capricorn or equivalent.
  • The very best arrangement for printing flexible filament would be a dual gear extruder arranged as a direct drive delivery system.