e-NABLE Forum

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e-NABLE Forum · ·
Last updated Feb 11, 2020 - 1:44 AM Visible also to unregistered users
# e-NABLE Device Color Customizer Update! Here I am again with a substantial update to the [customizer](https://bymu.eu/customizer/). I’ve been working on this feature since day one and it’s finally done, I’m very exited :smiley: The main goal with the customizer will always be to help recipients better understand and visualize their devices, and now it’s much easier, faster and more reliable to interact with different color options - this is a major update to improve the ease of use of the customizer for recipients. ![1.png](file-guid:9b81f748-a68d-474a-83ef-c96a618833e2 "1.png") **New features:** * **Interactive models** - When you hover over a device you’ll now see an outline of a group that you can select. Click on that group and you’ll be presented with a color palette. Selecting a color will change the color of the selected group and add that color to the appropriate input field in the “Customize” tab, so this is essentially a shortcut and no longer will you have be required to use the input fields to set colors! The palette colors are the same as the selected palette in the “Customize” tab or it will use the “Basic colors” preset if no palette is specified. * **Device and palette linking** - The workflow for a volunteer is to open the customizer, select a device and a color palette they’re working with. These two options are automatically added to the URL in the browser that can then be copied to recipients - when they open that link, the device will auto load and the color palette will be applied. User selected colors will not be added to the link, you still have to use the share link feature in the “Save & Share” tab for that. * **Auto rotate** - In the “Customize” tab after the color options there is now a checkbox that will toggle the auto rotate feature - the model will keep slowly rotating until the feature is turned off. When the device is rotating you can still interact with it, change colors etc. This should be quite useful when showcasing devices for a larger audience. * **Smoothing** - I’ve added a dampening effect when rotating devices I did my best optimizing these new features as they are quite taxing on the browser, but you still might see a decrease in performance. I’ve updated the desktop versions and they should be slightly faster as they require less overhead than your browser. You can get the desktop versions in the [wiki entry](https://hub.e-nable.org/s/e-nable-devices/wiki/page/view?title=e-NABLE+Device+Color+Customizer).